บาคาร่า ฟรีโบนัส 30% speaks during a news conference at the Department of Foreign Affairs in Pasay city Metro Manila, Philippines July 27, 2016. REUTERS/Erik De Castro' align='left' /> The latter patrols, aimed at preserving the territorial integrity of the Philippines, "must continue, because this is our commitment to the United States," Yasay said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. The Philippines and the United States share concerns about China's pursuit of broad claims in the South China Sea, which overlap with those of Manila and other neighbors. Washington and Manila agreed earlier this year on joint patrols in the South China Sea and a Pentagon spokesman said three had been conducted from March until July. Yasay rejected criticism of Duterte's war on drugs, in which thousands have been killed, saying that Philippines would never condone illegal killings, and said relations with Washington should be based on mutual respect. "I am asking our American friends, American leaders, to look at our aspirations," he said. "We cannot forever be the little brown brothers of America. ... We have to develop, we have to grow and become the big brother of our own people. "You (have to) manage it correctly. You do not go to the Philippines and say 'I am going to give you something, I am going to help you grow, but this is the check list you must comply with - we will lecture you on human rights'." Yasay stressed that Duterte was "firmly committed to keep and respect alliances, including that with the United States." He said Manila was "not at this point in time" prepared to sit down and discuss its territorial disputes with China bilaterally, given that the two sides differed on what the framework for any such discussions should be.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rafal Gutaj, BofA Merrill Lynch - Analyst [9] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al Stanton, RBC Capital Markets - Analyst [10] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Al Stanton, RBC. I did get a warning about not asking about Fortuna, but can I just ask the one question about the $150 million, as to what that related to in terms of the production of the $150 million? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick Cooper, Ophir Energy plc - CEO [11] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe I'll -- we're aware of a lot of things that are written about this, and we wanted to give guidance as to the fact that we weren't going to bet the farm on the project. We're prepared to put more money in if there was a good return on capital, but there are limits to which we will concentrate risk in this portfolio. We're aware of the pitfalls that the independent sector tends to fall into when it undertakes developments and we're going to avoid those. So, the $150 million can be looked at several ways, but let me give you an illustration. If we were to solely fund all of the upstream, which is $450 million, we've got about 300 of debt capacity against that, debt capacity and government funding. So one way of looking at it is just on net of the pure upstream cost going forward. There are actually different ways that we could be spending it but the clear message from us is, we're not planning บาคาร่า มือถือ on spending any more than that. It may be less than that and whatever it is, it's going to be spread over three years. So it's something which we can take in our stride while we still can move the rest of the portfolio on and make sure that we've got the appropriate risk allocation across the portfolio.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://finance.yahoo.com/news/edited-transcript-ophr-l-earnings-141700420.html
